Monday, February 25, 2013

Oh What a Journey

This journey through adoption has had it's highs and lows, and lately I feel like I've had a combination of both, with a heavy helping of lows. We started this adoption process 19 months ago, officially in the waiting family pool for 17 months, with an additional couple years of hoping for a pregnancy prior to that (I'm not counting or anything). Reflecting on these past few years, there is one thing I have been forced to discover: humility.

Taking a big ol' slice of humble pie

I'll be the first to admit that up until this point in my life, things have been pretty smooth sailing. I grew up in an incredibly loving family, had a great education, and was given a strong faith base at home as a child. I smoothly moved from grade school, to high school, and on to college with a limited amount of drama (just enough to consider myself a teenager!). It took me years to find my first love, but I am so fortunate to say, that he stuck. My only true boyfriend was the one I fell in love with and married, and have been living my happily ever after with. So right about now you are asking "Where's this humble stuff going to come in?" Oh, it will...

So during marriage prep, we learned all about NFP and were excited to practice our faith as a married couple. By being educated about NFP, I had this idea that I was given the gift to know the perfect timing to get pregnant. No doubt, I would be pregnant the first month we tried... maybe two. I still remember having a conversation with a friend to expect a phone call from me that month to share the good news. I seriously can't help but laugh right now. It's like looking at a child and wishing you had their innocence and naive view of the world. I'm really starting to get that saying, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

So needless to say, several months passed, with more pregnancy tests taken than were truly needed... all negative. Throw in one possible pregnancy, ending too soon to be confirmed (more likely a false positive), and another year of trying, and we were back where we started. No baby. So after some testing and discussion with doctors, we decided it was time to move on to adoption.

(Enter an overly confident Lisa). We moved quickly through the home study process and were placed in the pool of waiting families in about 3 months time. I remember turning to Dan the day we went on, saying "I give it 1 month before we get a call". HA! That is by far one of the most foolish things I have ever said. Who did I think I was? One month? Try 7 months, before getting so much as a call! But at that 7 month call, we were matched with a beautiful couple and planning for our baby girl. (Enter yet another confident Lisa.) We were warned to be cautious, as things can always change, but in my mind we were different. Nothing bad was going to happen. This baby was ours.

Well you see, she just wasn't ours quite yet and would be going home with her birth parents. So back to waiting we went, with a call a couple months later. We had been chosen the first time around, why not this one? I didn't have the greatest feeling about it, but still had some confidence left over from last time. No such luck- they chose another family. Throw in another call a few months later, with the same result. Then most recently, we were hoping to change some of our preferences to become more open to some particular situations, only to be told we had more work to do to demonstrate our readiness to them.

My point of all this isn't to make you feel bad for me. It has taken all of these moments to finally humble me. I'm not entitled to a baby, although I like to think so. This journey is not in my hands. It is in the hands of my Father, the one who knows me better than I will ever know myself. He has the perfect child for us, in His time. So as much as I like to think that I'm in control of everything, I'm really not. I can plan and plot all I want, but it may not result in my desired outcome. One thing that I need to remember can bring me comfort and strength, is prayer. He is always listening and always answering, whether I like His response or not. 

Through it all, He is preparing me to be a better mother, for those moments that are out of my hands no matter how much I plan. For when my little one refuses to sleep, even after I've followed every tip in every book. For when my baby screams inconsolably, and I can't figure out why. For when he or she decides not to be potty trained, just because. And most importantly, for those moments when things just won't go the way my kids desire. It is those moments I will be so very blessed to be prepared for. 

You see, I have learned the power and comfort of prayer, support from friends and family, and the blessings of being humbled once in a while. The beauty of these humbling experiences is that when things fall into place in the end (they will in some way, even if it's not what we originally hoped for), the joy of that answered prayer is going to be greater than anything I could have ever imagined. And through it all, it's all in His hands. Though it can be scary sometimes to feel like I have no control, what better than having God in the driver's seat. I just need to remember to take a step back and enjoy the ride.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Novena for Pope Benedict XVI

I have mentioned Pray More Novenas before in previous posts. It is a wonderful site to join in which you can receive email reminders to take part in praying a specific novena each month or so. There are thousands of people taking part in these novenas. I have never been good at remembering to pray my prayers each day when I attempt to do a novena, so it's nice getting the email reminders that have the prayers right there for me. Talk about convenient!

So this month, we will be praying a novena for Pope Benedict XVI as a "retirement gift". It will begin Wednesday, February 20 and end on his last day. The creator of this site has a goal of 50,000 people praying this particular novena. If we can reach that number, he plans to write a personal letter to the Pope to let him know about this gift we have given him. Please join us in praying by going here. It sounds like he will be organizing another novena for the election of our new Pope once the conclave has convened. Please share the link so that this wonderful site can continue to grow!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Why I Love My Husband

I came across the "Why I Love My Husband" series through a blog I recently started following More Like Mary~More Like Me. She brought up an excellent point about the importance of raising up our husbands. We live in a time when so many people are bringing one another down, including their spouses. Husband bashing can become a popular topic of conversation, and that's just not ok. We should be sharing all of the wonderful attributes of the incredible men we share our lives with. This blogger makes this point so much more clearly than I am right now, so please visit her post on this blog series. You can join in here!

And so I begin my post on why I love MY husband!

1. He is patient. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten overwhelmed and can be just plain mean. He never cracks or yells back. He just calmy responds to me and gives me some space to let myself decompress until I come to apologize for the hundredth time. He has also shown incredible patience throughout our adoption journey. I am constantly thinking about the adoption and anxiously waiting... very impatiently. Dan balances me out. He knows that God will place our child with us when the time is right. He is the one that gets me through the TWO WEEK waiting period each time we are being considered for a specific case. I'm always freaking out while he calmly waits and keeps me sane. This man has incredible patience!

2. He is my perfect balance. I tend to worry about EVERYTHING. Even if my concerns are trivial, he calmly sits and listens to what I have to say and helps me to talk through what is bothering me. In fact, we most recently sat in our car in the mall parking lot for a good half hour while I hashed through a silly worry I had. He calmly listened and helped me to see that I was overthinking things. And he does all this without making me feel like a complete fool! He knows how to make me laugh in these moments as well, which is so important when I feel like my head is about to explode :) He instinctively knows when I need a laugh to remind me I'm being silly and when to just be quiet and listen. THAT is an important quality. He daily lives our vows of standing by my side for better or for worse.

My husband (on the left) getting down with Dance Central on New Year's Eve.
3. He has a light-hearted personality and can always make me laugh. No matter what kind of day he has been having, Dan always walks in the door with a smile on his face. He is constantly humming some sort of catchy tune, quoting a funny line from a show or movie, or dancing around the house. He has been blessed with a gift to lift the spirits of everyone around him. When we make trips home to visit his family, we are laughing with him from the moment he walks in the door until we leave. And he is the same way with our friends... always ready for a laugh.

4. He is great with finances. For as long as I have known him, he has always been great with budgeting. He takes care of everything related to our finances. Thank goodness! If it had been up to me, I never would have any clue what I was doing. I can guarantee I would have our money in all the wrong places. Other people even come to him asking for help budgeting so that they can pay off their own loans. This is an area that he excels in. No wonder he is such a great accountant :) The man is good with numbers!

5. He is incredibly hard working. He is one of the most hard working men I know. There have been periods where he literally woke up, worked, came home, ate, and went to bed. Fortunately, things have been less hectic recently. Even in those weeks when it seemed like all he did was work, he still walked in the door with a smile on his face and a big hug for me. I know if that were me, I'd be in a terrible mood and just plop myself down on the couch with the remote. 

Dan meeting our "niece" Alexis for the first time.
6. He is going to be an incredible father! This is one of my favorite qualities about Dan. We don't have our little miracle yet, but I know he is going to be phenomenal. He has a huge heart, and I know he is going to be such a strong presence in our children's lives. He will be such a proud father. I can already picture him now, playing on the floor with the kids, dancing around the living room, and singing silly songs with them. I'm sure he will be teaching them some of his favorite jokes as well. He will be at every baseball game, dance recital, and band concert. Our house is going to be filled with even more love and joy than it has now. 

7. He is a man of faith. This is the quality I love most about him. He lives and breathes our faith. He is constantly learning more about the Catholic faith, and I love learning with him. Some of my favorite moments with him are those where I just sit and start asking him questions, and we have such great conversations about the teachings of the Church. Dan pushes me to learn more and leads me to the best books to read. He was the one to take me to my first Latin High Mass, which is absolutely beautiful if you ever have the chance to attend. This Mass brings back so much reverence. It is like Heaven on earth. I can't imagine our marriage without our shared faith. I love praying with him at Mass each week and praying together, especially for the blessings of a child. I am so blessed to be married to such a man of faith. He drives me to grow closer to God. After all, that's what marriage is about, isn't it? One of the best things I have ever been told about marriage is that we are called to get one another to Heaven. We are called to bring one another closer to God. I am thrilled to say, that day in and day out, my husband does just that.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Awesome Pro-Life Video

Watch this Beautiful Video. It speaks for itself.

(It was posted on Facebook, so I'm not sure if this link will always work or not. I'm hoping so.)