I am seriously bummed that the school year starts next week... wah wah wah... So to cheer myself up I'm trying to enjoy this last week off and focus on the fun we've had this summer. Enter Little Happies! We spent last week in Florida with family, which was such a nice getaway. So rather than wallow in self pity over having to leave my sweet little boy for work next week (seriously big frown), let's take a look at all the happies the past week or two of summer has brought us.
1- Lots of time with Daddy! Dan had nearly three weeks off of work, which was glorious! It was so nice having him home all the time. I got to sleep in a bit more often. Have I mentioned how much I love to sleep? He also got some much needed work done on the garage and in our yard. Most importantly, Nathan got lots of time with him.
My boys playing video games while on vacation. This picture melts my heart. |
2- Zoo Day- Before our trip to Florida, we went to the zoo as a family. It was Dan's first time going with us since we usually go while he's at work. We were sure to visit our favorites- the giraffes, monkeys, and bears.
3- Nathan got to meet my aunt, uncle, and cousin who live in Florida- He had no problem playing with everyone and being held by whoever wanted to hold him. They have waited so long to meet him, so I'm so glad they got to spend so much time with him.
4- Six years!- We celebrated our sixth anniversary while we were away. My parents watched Nathan for the night so we could go out to dinner. We found a great restaurant that had delicious grilled fish and a tiki bar. We sipped tropical drinks out on the patio while listening to their live band and enjoyed a really great dinner afterwards.
5- We have a little fishy on our hands- Nathan went swimming in a full size pool for the first time. He absolutely loved the water. He was kicking and splashing and really had no fear. He even let Dan help him float on his back. I need to get this kid in swim lessons soon!

6- Birthday fun- We also celebrated my birthday while we were away. The night before, we had pie and ice cream with my family. The day of my birthday, the three of us drove into Orlando because Dan had a conference for work for a couple days. While it could have put a damper on the trip, it really didn't at all. The three of us got some alone time. The hotel was gorgeous, had a lot of property to take Nathan on walks, a great pool, and really wonderful staff. I don't know how expensive it was per night, but I'm sure it's somewhere we wouldn't be able to afford for a vacation. So thanks Dan's company! He only had a half day of class that day, so Nate and I headed down to the pool to hang out and explore the hotel. That night we went to a really nice Italian restaurant with some amazing food! Nathan wasn't particularly impressed, as he decided to, well, act like a 7 month old :) But we certainly enjoyed it.
7- First Disney experience- No, we are not insane. We didn't bring a 7 month old into a Disney park in the sweltering Florida heat. If you have done that, more power to ya! But I have no desire. We did hit up Downtown Disney for a couple hours though, while waiting for Dan to finish up on his last day of class. It's hard for my family to be near Orlando and not do something Disney. Grandpa bought Nathan his first Mickey doll. It was love at first sight :)
8- Beach fun- We went to the beach twice. The first time was kind of a bust. The waves were insane, and it just wasn't a pleasant experience. But the second day we went was perfect. The waves weren't too rough, and even though it was really hot the heat was at least somewhat bearable.
Hanging out in his beach tent after catching some waves |
9- A smooth trip home- I was seriously anxious about travelling with a baby for weeks leading up to our trip. I didn't want to be that family with the screaming baby the entire flight. We were very fortunate that Nathan was very well behaved both on our way to and from Florida. On the way there, he screamed getting on the plane, I was unknowingly leaving a trail of puffs down the aisle, and I'm pretty sure everyone was bracing themselves for a rough flight. Fortunately he calmed down once in his seat. He required a lot of entertaining, but overall he was pretty good. On the flight home he was an absolute angel. He smiled and got really excited as we took off. I so badly wanted to record him, but for once I decided to just sit and enjoy the moment. It was so sweet. He then slept the entire trip home. So Dan and I were able to eat our snacks, sip our ginger ale, and read in peace. It was amazing!
10- I still have one more week of vacation- This is me trying to stay positive. I have to keep reminding myself to enjoy this week and to try not to let next week's workweek hover over me too much. We still have some fun things planned- a lunch with a friend, a trip to the zoo with family, a play date with friends, Mass on Friday as a family, a belated trip to our favorite restaurant to celebrate our anniversary again (it's tradition!), and our church's picnic on Sunday. Lots of fun things coming up!