Tuesday, June 18, 2013

We Are Not Alone

So I was reminded today that Dan and I are in fact, not in this adoption thing alone. Our family and friends have our back and are always looking out for us. Now of course I know this deep down, but it's super easy to get caught up in the "woe is me" mode sometimes and feel like the weight of the world is on my  our shoulders. We have heard from numerous family and friends about some potential adoptive situations that have come up in the past few days. We are looking into it (which is nearly impossible to do when it seems that a million other adoptive families have the same idea, ha!) But that is not the point of this post. I just simply wanted to say that we have an awesome family, friends, friends of friends, acquaintances, and some pretty much complete strangers! It feels incredible to know that we have so many people who want to help. So thank you! We love your help. No information or lead to a potential adoptive situation is too crazy or too small to bring to us. Please continue to let us know when you hear of anything, anything at all! We don't care if 10 people tell us the same thing. We are thrilled to even have that many people trying to help :) It is days like today that I'm pretty sure God is reminding me that He has my back.


  1. Love it when God reminds us that He's looking out for us!

    Thank-you for sharing this :).

  2. You are not alone! That is so awesome that so many people want to help and be a part of your journey to becoming parents!
