Monday, September 2, 2013

It's been a while...

... and there really isn't all that much to write about. The school year has started, and it has been pretty crazy so far. This whole working full time thing is overrated, if you ask me. It's been exhausting! I think it's going to take me a while to get used to it again. I absolutely love my new classroom at an outlying site 2.5 days a week! The kids are so sweet and make me laugh too many times to count each day. It's going to be a lot of work getting myself used to the type of therapy I need to provide for them. They are working on higher level skills than I have worked on in years. But I think once I get into the groove of things, it's going to be amazing! Unfortunately, I can't say I feel the same about my caseload at the location I have been working at since I started. I have had one of the rooms for the past 5 years and do still enjoy working with the kids and staff in there. BUT my other class is new, and if things keep up with the way they were this past week it's going to be absolutely awful. I'm not exaggerating here either. They put all kids with severe behaviors in one classroom, threw in a new teacher, half the staff is new, gave them no supplies, and said have at it! So after one day of being pulled around the room, pinched, hair pulled, swatted at, and my arm nearly twisted off... I kinda wanna leave and never come back. I can only hope it will get better. My hope is that we are blessed with a baby soon so I can go back to part time and hopefully just keep my new amazing room of well behaved sweeties.

In other news, the bathroom is almost finished. The main work is completed (and has been for over a week), thank goodness! We just have painting, which will be done Wednesday by a family friend. Then the glass for the shower will be installed next Tuesday. And we will finally be able to shower in our incredible shower (which I'm so desperately going to need after work on those days I'm in my rough room!). I'll post before and after pics once it is 100% done.

Lately we've had pretty much anything that can go wrong, go wrong. Most of it was with the bathroom, but our streak of bad luck has continued. I came home from work last Thursday to find this...

The hose had been running all day to fill up the evaporated water... it only takes a little over an hour to refill. Whoops! We're not entirely sure what exactly happened. Dan was home all day and didn't even hear it fall to pieces. So we will never know exactly what happened. At first we freaked a little, but to be honest we were thinking about getting rid of it anyways. We just weren't using it enough for the amount of money and time we dump into it each year. At this point all we can do is laugh. So now we will have another job in progress very soon. Fortunately we have some family that enjoy demolition :) Another perk is that this is going to open up our yard quite a bit. So bye bye pool! 

I'm sure there is more that I missed, but that's all I could think of for now. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. We are so very ready to bring home baby- it's about time for him or her to find us! 


  1. Goodbye pool! You were great fun! I can't wait until your bathroom is all done!

  2. Glad to hear half of your school year is off to a great start! Prayers for the other, prayers a baby comes along! ;)

    I would LOVE a pool (yes, I know they are TONS of work) so I'm sad to see your pool go :(.
