Thursday, November 21, 2013

I like sharing good news

I have to say that it is so refreshing to be able to share lots of good news on here lately. Thank you so much for your prayers. Keep them coming! Our match meeting went sooooo well yesterday. The birth mother is so sweet and seems very serious about her decision to move forward with adoption. We know all too well that anything can happen, but at this moment we are feeling good about everything. Our counselor is as well, which is huge! A c section is scheduled for December 16, so please continue to keep all of us in your prayers.


  1. Yes, continued prayers! How exciting and I am so glad the meeting went well!

  2. Prayers, prayers, prayers!!

    Perhaps my prayers will have extra pull because December 16th is my birthday!! :D

  3. Oh yay!!!! Lots and lots of prayers coming your way!!!
