Sunday, April 7, 2013

Divine Mercy Sunday

Today, Dan and I decided to continue our new tradition of attending mass at St. John Cantius for Divine Mercy Sunday. Our close friends joined us for the Latin mass, and we got to witness about 30 or so kids receive their First Communion. The church was absolutely beautiful, and their choir was wonderful! One of the main reasons I wanted to go there today was that last year they had the relics of
St. Faustina on display, and I was hoping they would again today. And they did! I was thrilled! Since it was pretty chaotic in the church with the First Communion, I didn't get any pictures today, but here are a few Dan took last year.


In the middle, is a first class relic of St. Faustina. 

We are not sure but think it may have been a drop of her blood.

These are additional relics from the house in which St. Faustina encountered the visions. Dan said he read that the medal he circled in red touched the actual image of Divine Mercy that she received from Jesus. Again, we're a little fuzzy on the details, but very cool nonetheless.

Later in the day, we attended a service at our home parish. Since we have a large Polish population at our parish, it was a bilingual service. It was pretty cool hearing parts of the Divine Mercy Chaplet prayed in Polish, since St. Faustina was Polish herself. Dan and I determined that the Polish language is crazy hard to read unless you have an idea of how to speak the language (which we do not). So as it turns out, today we have prayed in three languages: Latin, English, and Polish. Pretty impressive considering we only speak one of them :) 

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