Saturday, February 8, 2014

Quick Takes: First Seven Weeks

Nathan is nearing 8 weeks- time is moving too quickly! This week my Quick Takes look at our first 7 weeks with our sweet, smiley, cuddly little blessing. We've tried to be on top of the weekly pictures, but as you can see we missed a few.

1 Week

2 Weeks

3 Weeks

4 Weeks

5 Weeks

 6 Weeks

7 Weeks


  1. What a cutie!! Love these week-by-week pictures. :)

  2. So precious...he has been growing so much...I'll have to remember when we adopt our forever baby (Lord Willing) enjoy the sweet itty baby moments for babies grow so much...blink and you could miss something. Just curious...are you going to go back to DT? When we adopt (Lord willing)...I hope to work a few days a week. It would help us out give me and the baby some extra spending money. :)

    1. I am returning to work 2.5 days a week in another week. I'm actually a speech pathologist for a special ed cooperative. So I have the option of summers off, which is nice.

  3. Oh...did you work with EI at one time? I loved having summers will be nice with your new little one. I really enjoy EI so I will stick with this for a while. ST is a great needed especially in EI.

    1. No- I started the certification process a couple summers ago, but I decided it wasn't the right time to get into it. I may look into EI again in the future. Right now, my job is working out pretty well.

  4. What a precious little pout in week 7! Adorable.
