Sunday, March 2, 2014

5 out of 7...

Not too bad... I didn't quite make it with the 7 posts in 7 days, but I think 5 out of 7 with a 2 month old isn't bad :) He is currently asleep in my arms so today a few pictures will have to do.

Someone got to play in his jumpy for the first time today and seems to like it.

He's getting pretty strong. Tummy time is a breeze :) I just love how he looks like such a peanut in this picture!

Hanging out with Uncle Marky. 

And just hanging out with mommy. 

I may not have made it to 7 posts in 7 days, but it served its purpose of reminding me to blog and how much I enjoy it. So hopefully I'll be on here a bit more than once every couple weeks now :)


  1. Loved reading along this week. Look forward to reading in the future too, no matter how often or non-often you post. :)

  2. I just love his big eyes! Tummy time...yeah!
