Monday, March 24, 2014

Little Happies, Two

1) On Saturday we had our first visit since the hospital with Nathan's birth mother. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with her, and I am so glad that Nathan will have her in his life. It was such a nice day, and I left with my heart bursting with joy and feeling so grateful. We seriously could not have dreamed up a better adoption.

2) Spring break! I'm on spring break this week, and boy does it feel good to know that when I wake up my only job is to take care of my little man. We declared today to be a jammy day. We lasted until about 6pm when I realized I was going to have to run to the store later and still hadn't showered. And then Nate spit up all over himself. We almost made it all day.

3) Soft pretzels with nacho cheese- Yea, I know. These aren't even remotely healthy, but this has been my go to snack the past few weeks. I love my late night snacks.

4) Naps. I love to sleep. I love taking a late afternoon nap while Nathan is napping. I could be productive and get something done, but I can't resist snuggling up in a fluffy blanket on the couch.

5) I had a terrible cold last week- definitely not one of my happies. On Tuesday I could barely function. My mom came over bright and early and stayed the whole day, taking care of Nathan all day for me. I was able to sleep in and keep my distance from my little guy so that he wouldn't get sick. I'm so grateful to my mom for helping out that day. Knowing that we have family nearby who are willing to help whenever we need it- definitely one of my happies.

6) My youngest brother, Mark, is home from college for spring break. We had a family party yesterday, which was a lot of fun. It's so nice when our whole family is together. Over the past several years, there is often someone missing due to one of us being away at school. So these breaks are always nice to spend time as a family. And Nathan sure loves seeing his uncles.

Thanks to Stephanie for hosting one of my favorite link-ups!


  1. Another great post!! Thanks for joining in. :) I love hearing about your connection to Nathan's birth mother. That is so beautiful. I can't wait to hear more about how that relationship continues. Love the jammy day idea. I might have to steal that because I've been feeling a bit too busy lately. A day in the apartment watching my favorite movies, eating my favorite foods, and chilling under a big blanket in my PJs sounds fantastic! And it's so great that you have family near by to take care of your little one when you're feeling under. What a blessing!

  2. I love pj days much fun and relaxing. I took a break this week since my dh is on break...we've been doing a lot of running around though. I'm going to have to make one of the days off a Pj day!
